What We Do
The way we live is an act of rebellion. We feed the morphogenetic field with an alternative way of living together. We contribute to planting the seeds for global change towards a world where humans live in peace with each other and feel and act as part of our planet and existence itself.
We create embodied consciousness and knowledge about the potential to live together peacefully, in a way that celebrates life and cultivates a sense of adventure, experimentation, curiosity, playfulness, joy, and freedom. The way we live allows us to feel (again) that we are part of nature, of this planet; we take joy from feeling this, and cultivate gratitude to be alive. We explore love as a driving force of our human experience, and search for “free love”: to love from a place of inner freedom, whichever expression that takes.
What we do is good for us, and at the same time good for our neighbors, our environment, and the planet as a whole. We create a way of living together in which the well-being of one of us does not equal the suffering of another. A way in which we can celebrate each other’s success and happiness, and thrive together in synergy. We relate to the world around us in the same manner.
We raise the collective and individual awareness that we as humans are magical beings. We cultivate ways to feel and grow our personal power, and feel joy in doing, in consciously co-creating our lives together with Great Spirit (whatever that means for each of us).
We each learn to trust that as a collective, we are more intelligent than as individuals. We explore how we can harvest that collective intelligence and wisdom and use it to thrive as a community.