Our Projects Summary


We returned from Durga's Tiger Land and we took a closer look at various aspects. Iris and I had a long talk. I'll summarize the results of our conversation here as pragmatically as possible. The numbers can be varied, the priorities can be set differently. It is a baseline for discussion.

There are endless possibilities. It is up to the whole group to go into more detail. But what interested me most during this visit are the basics it takes to start long-term planning. If done wisely, the land can feed us and there are also many different ways of sustainable and environmentally appropriate production for local and international commercialization. Whether these are offers in the spiritual field, retreats, workshops, festivals, whether it is horse breeding or a cacao production in mixed plantations with bitter oranges, passion fruit and pomegranates, it is all within the scope of possibilities and our own creativity. This also includes the preservation of 10 hectares of forest where wildlife can be released. Durga's Tiger Land can also be used as a starting point for tours to Chachi National Park. Soft tourism is conceivable, in cooperation with the Afro-Ecuadorian and indigenous neighborhood.

But before all this can be built up there needs to be an advance from our side.


The land of 42 hectares has been bought and a simple wooden house has been built in which up to eight people can live. The two-story house has downstairs shower and bathroom plus a storage room, upstairs two large bedrooms and a spacious common room where a kitchen can be set up. Electricity and water are connected. 

The costs so far, including the establishment of the foundation, land purchase and house construction amount to about 110,000 USD.

(project complete) 



Access to the land is possible from two sides. On the one hand over the river with a canoe, or over a heavily overgrown road through a disused palm plantation that is completely overgrown. I also walked this road for the first time. The road can be reconstructed, but it would require building two small bridges and getting permission from three different neighbors. 

Estimated cost: 20,000 USD

The easier, shorter access is via the Rio Verde. The river can be forded on foot or horseback at low water. At high water, one is cut off. In the long run we will need a bridge. There are different possibilities which have to be clarified by the group.

Estimated cost: 40,000 USD


Assuming that we build ourselves with the help of local labor and follow the guidelines of Earthship concepts, I believe that a large community house with space for up to 20 people can be built relatively cheaply. There is wood and bamboo on the land. Also there is a concrete shell that can be finished to a residential house. With it a farm building, storeroom, Workshop and at most stable for horses. (Chickens? Goats?)

Estimated cost: 40,000 USD


Roads and paths: 

There are currently only narrow footpaths and cattle trails on the property. This can all be walked on with horses, donkeys and mules. Whether it will be necessary to construct a small road through the property that can serve for simple, off-road agricultural vehicles must be decided. This can be done with a Caterpillar. It is quite expensive.

Estimated cost: 25,000 USD (Without vehicles!)

One donkey: 300 USD

One mule: 700 USD

One horse: from 600 USD


There is electricity from the public grid. However, the connection is about 600 meters away from the property. So far there is a simple cable that is enough to cover the most basic needs. This can be expanded. Different alternatives, solar energy or water power (river) can be used. There are no such installations so far and an expertise must be made first.

A budget should be allocated for this.

Estimated cost: 15,000 USD



There is enough water available. Either from the Rio Verde (not drinking water!) or it can be collected in rain tanks. Drinking water from groundwater can be easily tapped. There is also a public water supply but it is very unreliable. 

Estimated cost: 10,000 USD


We have a proven, ecological small wastewater treatment plant here at Casa Kiliku. This experience can also be used in Durgas Tiger Land. In the beginning, we can function with septic tanks. In the long run, a sewage treatment plant has to be built. This is related to the Earthship concepts. 

Estimated cost: 15,000 USD


Agricultural production:

 For this we need experts, hopefully from our own ranks, otherwise from outside. What and how the land needs, which products make sense etc. has to be planned. But this also requires some money. Soil samples have to be taken, seeds have to be tested. In addition, we need helpers practically from now on to put a stop to the constantly growing jungle. 

Estimated cost: 20,000 (per year)

I assume that in order to make the whole project a functioning habitat that preserves people, fauna and flora, and which can also yield a profit, we will need about 

180,000 - 200,000 USD in 2022. This can certainly be covered in part by our own work, but we cannot expect any profits before the end of the first year. Even if a corn crop can be harvested. That might bring in 1,000 USD per hectare planted. 

With careful planning, an own production / profit strategy, we can expect to cover the running costs in the second year.  A profit is conceivable. 

It will also be the task of the grassroots group to design a conceivable business plan.

In the long term - in the course of 5 - 10 years all pre-financing should be paid back. 

Own events, workshops or a festival also need infrastructure and pre-financing. These are not included in the above assessments. 

Who now looks frightened at the figure of 200,000 USD Dollar can keep the following in mind. If only ten people with heart, brain and creativity get involved in such a joint project, it is just 20,000 per head. That is not too much to build a sustainable community project for 30 to 40 people. 

Let's do it!


December Update


Sumak Kawsay