Projects Complete: Feb-May 2022
Yes, looking back we see, a lot of things have been realized- it is good and important to feel this; as looking forward there is so much to do…
We completed a 10 days Community Workshop with Eva Stützel. She is a wise woman with deep community experience. She is Co-Founder of the “Sieben Linden” eco village in Germany who started with 7 Core group members. Today 140 people live together in the eco village. Eva guided us through an intensive process to learn about community decision-making in Sociocracy, dealing with money, with conflicts and other important knowledge. She became the Durga’s Tiger Land Godmother. This workshop was a sponsorship – the value can not be measured in money.
We envisioned a plan of the property by viewing the land by drone. Chris Marti worked for a month on flying the drone and creating different maps. The work was sponsored by him. Value of the donation: $3,000
The staircase from the house to the lower cacao and mango trees has been built. Especially now during the rainy season, this is an important improvement of the infrastructure. No more slipping and sliding. The stairs have been covered with a grass roof. After all, it sometimes rains heavily. $650
A private drive through the property on this side of the river was completed thanks to the civil engineers who are currently repairing the village roads in Chontaduro. 350 meters long and wide; enough for a truck with materials and plants to pass through. Before this drive was created, it was sometimes very difficult to bring wood boards, brick and furniture from the main road to the house. $6,000
A grass-covered platform for six small guest tents is now ready. From there, it is only a few steps to the shower, the toilets and of course the kitchen. $1,200
Coming in June, the first workaways are invited to build the bamboo hall with Alexander Soria, a bamboo building specialist and Javier, a young all rounder and neighbour. For this, bamboo up to 15 meters long were harvested on the other side of the river, floated down the river and placed in a 20-meter-long, 1.50 wide trench in salt water for three days. This had to be done after the new moon. Now they are neatly stacked and waiting to be used. The boards and beams have also been cut and are ready for further use. For a whole week, Javier and four helpers worked on this project of bamboo preparation. Thus, a large part of the wood material could be obtained from our forest. Carefully selected. Total costs will be around $25,000. We are still fundraising.
In the beginning of April, we started to plant 1 1/2 hectares of cacao. The soil for this was cleaned manually, without the use of chemicals, weeds and bushes several meters high. Then we spent four days planting seedlings. These were carried by mules in this higher section of land. A permaculture layout of the plantation now allows us to place citrus trees, fruit trees, and banana shrubs among the cacao that regulate moisture levels and provide habitat for a wide variety of insects and birds. The right balance between cacao and other plants is one of the requirements for good quality organic cacao. We are learning. $1,500
Our cows: We have 1 little bull and 4 little cows. A few days ago we added an adult cow, she is pregnant and is supposed to educate the calves, which trample down the fences and broke out like real teenagers. Later, the milk will be made into cheese - we will share the milk with the calf. The small herd lives on the pasture. We have so much pasture that we are considering raising 20 cow calves and not selling them until they are grown up and have calves of their own again - just so the pastures don't become overgrown in 2m high weed bushes. With this, we will have time to think calmly about what we want to plant in the future. Each calf alone on the pasture costs about $250.
Total Project cost: $3,750
Project Kitchen Garden: We had our first harvest the first cucumbers and yuca. Our land is fertile and the yucas are huge. Our first organic tomatoes tasted good to the worms who finished them before we could try. Now we are learning to protect them with garlic and other plants. Seeds are free: we just plant the vegetable and fruit seeds we collect after eating. That feels great.
The DurgasTigerLand dining table: Noor came to visit for a week. He is an energetic and unique person who shared with us his multiple talents: he repaired the water pump and created created a beautiful heavy and original table for 10 - 12 people out of a fallen old mango tree together with Javier and David. At this table we are dining now and and had inspiring conversations.
Plans in the orbit
With our neighbors Andrea y Felito Nazareno, we are working on a botanical and agricultural concept. This starts with a complete inventory of what is growing in our area. In the future, short-, medium- and long-term plants and trees will be gradually introduced and accompanied. A living and self-protecting nature, which carries a good part of wilderness with itself, can develop in such a way. This task is not limited in time, but should shape the character of Durga's Tiger Land and be in constant growth and decay. Analysis for 4 hectares: $500
In August, the first workshop is planned. See under Events: My Totem
In November, we will conduct a community course with our teachers and shamans. We will have a joyful- intensive- light-deep-adventurous-flowing time together, with the topic "Finding my “I” in community." See under Events: Durga’s Tiger Land Mini Festival