Durga’s Tiger Land
Rio Verde, Ecuador
We are a Sumak Kawsay (good living) community, living close to the ocean in Rio Verde, Ecuador, anchoring joyful transformation in everyday life.
This is a calling!
…We need hands. And heads. And brave hearts….
Do you have pioneering spirit, openness to the world, energy and the discipline to trust in the future? Do you have ideas and skills to work on the vision of a self-sustaining village? Do you love to live in community? Do you see the need for non-judgmental communication? Would you like to build your own bamboo house? Can imagine to live without the necessity of leaders? Are you capable to commit? Do you See crisis as a moment of growth? Come!
Keywords: permaculture, arts, yoga, tantra, shamanism, spirituality, creativity, heart to heart communication, self-sufficiency, self-determination, sociocracy, foundation, intergenerational, international, eco-building, family and children friendly. You are invited to build your individual house on the land.
The world has changed since we started our community project three years ago. Do you remember? There was no Covid, the world was struggling with climate change, social problems, the hunger for power of the powerful, the powerlessness of the poor and the spiritual disorientation of the consumer society. But these issues have not been solved with time.
And now, the unfortunate war in Europe that goes along with suicidal armament. While spin doctors launch gigantic propaganda campaigns, cloud our brains with obscene lies and spread fear and terror. A friend once said to me, "When fascists are at each other's throats, you have to stay out of it." He is right.
It is important to reorient ourselves and step back to observe our current world, it has not become easier. How do we want to escape the wrong and destructive powers? How can we create an alternative? We stay out of it.
We are working together now carrying love in our hearts and peace in our thoughts. For our own well-being we practice yoga, dance, cook delicious food and express ourselves creatively in many different forms. We organize ourselves sociocratically, we share the knowledge of generations about nature, about being human. We learn from the ancients, dream the dreams of a utopia creating our own culture in harmony with nature. We learn from our errors.
The land rests in a beautiful tropical river valley not far from the Pacific Ocean. On more than forty hectares of land the community is in the first stages of creation. Food and produce are grown using permaculture techniques whilst buildings are formed with local power and knowledge with earth and bamboo from the land, and you can design and build your individual home.
There are many daily things that need to be relearned by us, the people from the "first" world. In our vision vegetables no longer come from the supermarket, our chickens lay the eggs and rather than machines our horses help with the agriculture. The land is divided by a cleansing river that we must swim, wade or paddle to cross and we are currently developing plans to build a bridge. Dealing with sudden tropical rains, a tropical climate, lush nature and a foreign culture is not always easy. Strange bird calls, frog concerts, the flight of a blue butterfly and the hum of beetles tell many stories.
Here many things are possible in the vast beauty and vitality of this landscape. The fertile land is pregnant with opportunity and freedom to live a life away from the fear and oppression of the modern world. Here we can create our individual home and live in community, love and sanctuary. But most importantly we need people with an intention to build a better life full of peace and love. We welcome children. We call for you, who want to dance the polarity in between the individual and the community. We need hands, heads and brave hearts.
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